About Us
We are a multicultural Disability Support Organization providing disability support services in the Gold-coast, Logan, Brisbane and Moreton bay region.
The Partner You Can Trust
Our Vision
Our vision is to ensure that people with disabilities have access to a flexible and person-centred support of their choice, and to exercise control in decisions that affect their everyday life.
Our Mission
We are an organization set up with the sole purpose of supporting people with disability to live their desired lifestyle and achieve their goals and live as independently as possible, by not only providing exceptional care but also provide resources that may assist our client’s wellbeing
Years Experience

why we are unique

We stand out from other disability support service providers because we are dedicated to encouraging and enabling you to living the perfect live you have always envisioned.
Our core values
We fully understand where you are coming from and what exactly you want, that’s why we are are here to help you.

We are dedicated to protecting and looking after you until you reach your desired goals in life.

At Delight care support services, your interest is why we are doing what we are doing.